Looking for an ancestor (grandpa? great-grandpa?) who was a member of Chi Phi Fraternity at Franklin and Marshall College in 1935?
Here is a photo taken in 1935 of the entire membership. Even better, a handwritten index of the names in the photo is available Chi Phi 1935 pic - index of names
Find someone whose picture you really want? Our own Dad (in the picture) loved his fraternity so much that when we were little girls, he made us swear "Chi Phi Honor" to the truth of any statement. We grew up knowing that we must never-ever tell a lie and then swear "Chi Phi Honor," or we would be forever without that tool of verification. A very big liar in my time, I never-ever did violate the Chi Phi Honor code.
My own college had a Chi Phi chapter, but I never got inside.
Find someone whose picture you really want? Chi Phi High Resolution Picture